Standard mouth clear and amber glass threaded vials and polypropylene vials use 8 mm screw cap and wide mouth vials use 9 mm screw cap, and are available in 2ml volumes, and insert/vial combination vials have capacities of 1.5 ml, 350 µl, size 12 x32 mm.
2 mm threaded vials with 6 mm opening and 9 mm thread, (9-425) and 6 mm neck using 10 mm screw cap (10-425).
Transparent and amber 4 ml screw vials, size 15 x 45 mm using screw cap (13-425).
4ml, 2ml, 0.9ml, 0.3ml, 0.3ml capped caps.
1 ml clear, amber and polypropylene glass shell vials with Sep cap, size 8x40 mm for Waters-96.